Writing Testable Vue Components

As a Vue.js developer, you know that testing is an essential part of the development process. However, testing Vue applications can be challenging, especially when you have complex components and state management using Vuex. In this article, we will discuss how to code testable Vue applications and cover topics such as components, Vuex, integration tests, and the difference between mount and shallowMount.

Components and their role in testing

Components are the building blocks of Vue applications, and they play a vital role in testing. When you write tests for components, you need to ensure that they are easy to test and maintain. The best way to achieve this is by following the single-responsibility principle and breaking down complex components into smaller ones that are easy to test.

When it comes to testing Vue components, simpler components are easier to test than complex ones. Simple components are easier to understand, maintain, and test because they follow the single-responsibility principle. By breaking down complex components into smaller, simpler ones, you can isolate each component's functionality and test it independently.

Simple components also make it easier to write unit tests because you can test each component's functionality in isolation. For example, if you have a simple input field component that only takes user input, you can easily test its functionality by simulating user input and checking if the input value is stored correctly.

On the other hand, if you have a complex component that includes several functionalities, such as input validation, data submission, and error handling, it's much harder to test each functionality independently. The complexity of the component also increases the likelihood of bugs and makes it more challenging to maintain the code.

In summary, simple components are easier to test because they have a clear responsibility and are easier to understand and maintain. By breaking down complex components into smaller ones, you can ensure that each component's functionality is tested independently, leading to more reliable and maintainable code.

Testing Vuex Stores

Writing unit tests for a Vuex store with multiple modules can be challenging, but by following best practices and breaking down the modules into smaller, simpler units, you can ensure that your tests are effective and maintainable.

The first step in writing unit tests for a Vuex store with multiple modules is to break down the modules into smaller, simpler units. You can achieve this by creating separate modules for each functionality and using modules to encapsulate state, mutations, actions, and getters related to a particular functionality.

Once you have broken down the modules into smaller units, you can write unit tests for each unit. The best way to do this is by using test-driven development (TDD) principles, where you write tests first and then write code to pass those tests.

For each unit, you can write tests for mutations, actions, and getters. For mutations, you can test if the state changes as expected. For actions, you can test if the correct mutations are committed and the correct API calls are made. For getters, you can test if the correct state is returned based on the input.

To make the tests more effective, you can use mocking and stubbing techniques to isolate the units being tested from their dependencies. For example, you can use a mock API to test actions that make API calls, ensuring that the actions are tested in isolation from the actual API.

In conclusion, writing unit tests for a Vuex store with multiple modules requires breaking down the modules into smaller units and using TDD principles to write tests for mutations, actions, and getters. Using mocking and stubbing techniques can make the tests more effective by isolating the units being tested from their dependencies. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your unit tests are effective, maintainable, and contribute to the overall quality of your Vuex store.

Integration tests vs. unit tests for UI testing

Unit tests are useful for testing individual functions or modules in isolation. However, when it comes to testing user interfaces, integration tests are more useful because they test how different parts of the application work together.

Integration tests help you ensure that all the components, Vuex modules, and API calls work together seamlessly. For example, you can write an integration test that simulates a user filling out a form, validating the input, and submitting the data. By doing this, you can ensure that the form works as expected, and the data is submitted correctly.

Avoid Mixins in Your Components

Mixins can make Vue components harder to unit test because they introduce additional dependencies and can make the component's behavior more complex. When a component uses a mixin, it inherits properties and methods from the mixin, which can create hidden dependencies that make it more difficult to isolate and test the component's behavior.

For example, if a mixin modifies the component's data or methods, it can affect the behavior of the component, making it harder to predict and test. Additionally, if the mixin is not well-designed or tested, it can introduce bugs or conflicts that affect the component's behavior.

Mixins can also make it more challenging to test components in isolation. When testing a component, you want to ensure that it behaves correctly regardless of its context or the other components it interacts with. However, when a component uses a mixin, it can become more tightly coupled to other components that also use the mixin, making it harder to isolate and test the component's behavior independently.

In summary, mixins can make Vue components harder to unit test because they introduce additional dependencies and can make the component's behavior more complex. To mitigate this, it's essential to design mixins carefully, test them thoroughly, and avoid using them excessively. Instead, try to keep components as simple and self-contained as possible, so they are easier to understand, maintain, and test.

mount vs. shallowMount

When writing tests for Vue components, you have two options: mount and shallowMount. mount renders the component and all its child components, while shallowMount only renders the component without rendering its child components.

In most cases, it's better to use mount because it tests the component and its child components' functionality. However, if you have a complex component with many child components, using mount can slow down your tests. In that case, you can use shallowMount to test the component's functionality without rendering its child components.


Testing Vue applications can be challenging, but by following best practices such as breaking down components into smaller ones, breaking Vuex into smaller modules, using integration tests, and choosing between mount and shallowMount, you can ensure that your application is easy to test and maintain. Remember that testing is an essential part of the development process, and investing time in writing good tests will save you time and effort in the long run.

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